Changing the face of Charleston : Watch the unbuilding (demolition) of the Grace and Pearman Bridges
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I-26, Meeting St., King St.
East Bay St.
From the Ravenel Bridge
Mt. Pleasant
Pearman Bridge

Grace Bridge

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Building the Ravenel Bridge

Background and Reference Photos

Before reference photos

August 6, 2005: Charleston approaches

A last look at our Ravenel Bridge from the Pearman on ramp

The Grace and Pearman off ramps

August 5, 2005: Before it all starts

The new on/off ramps for the Ravenel Bridge

Cashman and Testa - ready to start

The Pearman on ramp

The Pearman on ramp and branch (left) to become I26

Divergence of the Pearman on and off ramps

Background reference photos

July 20, 2005: Meeting Street Before

July 20, 2005: East Bay St Before

July 15, 2005: From the East and West Towers

Grace and Pearman bridges looking toward Charleston

Grace and Pearman bridges looking toward Mt. Pleasant

July 12, 2005:
Here are views of our new Ravenel Bridge and the ancestors, Grace and Pearman.

Looking south from the edge of Drum Island

Looking north over the Motley Rice Building

Looking toward Charleston from Mt Pleasant

Another look toward Charleston From Mt. Pleasant

July 20, 2005: From the primary east-bound bicycle lane

June 22, 2005: From the west-bound side of the Ravenel Bridge

June 11, 2005: From Mt Pleasant

Views from the Pearman Bridge

Driving east

Driving west

Reference Photos: May 9, 2004 (2nd west cable completed) and December 19, 2004

Early morning traffic and a lone jogger

Reference Photo a year later: May 7, 2005

Click to view all unbuilding web page segments

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.

Attribution: C. Frank Starmer and Sparky Witte from