Changing the face of Charleston : The unbuilding of the Grace and Pearman Bridges
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December 7, 2005:
East Bay and Boston Friends

Taken a look at East Bay lately? We have the Pearman and Grace memories - and our Boston friends working to make this a memorable part of the Charleston scene. What we have is the beginning of a nice park area. The city has already put up a sign showing where to park if you are a jogger. We have the Pearman and Grace monuments. Next we need a water fountain, a couple of park benches and this part of the Charleston will have new life.

Here is East Bay looking north - all the ingredients for a nice park

Micheal is busy hammering away with his oversized Tonka toy - reducing the Pearman support between the north and south lanes to dust

A closer look at his hammer and our friendly water man

Look at this - bones and skeletons - and a potential park for folks, joggers and bicycle folks that Charleston is beginning to think seriously about

I walked around the back of Michael's 1250 - and there was Ryan - hammering away at a foundation

From behind Ryan, the Pearman and Grace ramp skeletons looking west

Looking south - Ponch on the left transplanting a few plants

and probably talking with Kathy, his boss

and Ryan taking a break

Another look at the East Bay skeletons looking east

I looped around to Meeting St and found jaws

and the ramp skeletons looking east

Meanwhile, Jack was busy hammering away at the foundation of one of the Pearman supports -

and Jack again. It was August when I first confused Jack and Michael - and here it is December - and even without sun glasses, I can recognize them. The problem is those orange Testa t-shirts and jackets everyone wears - they all look the same to this old man

and Jack and his hammer - working away

Looking east up the Pearman ramp

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.

Attribution: C. Frank Starmer and Sparky Witte from