Changing the face of Charleston : The unbuilding of the Grace and Pearman Bridges
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December 12, 2005:
The Pearman ramp is no more

Michael and Ryan have been finishing off the Pearman ramp at the Charleston end while Jackie is unbuilding it on the Mt. Pleasant side. As you can see, there is very little left of the Grace ramp. Looking from Nassau Street.

All that is left is a single pier

I am reminded of sitting in a dental chair every time I watch the coordination between the excavator operators and the water guys. Fortunately the noise is low pitched - not the high pitched whine of a dental drill.

Ryan working away - sort of like a root canal job on the pier foundation

while Ryan hammers away at the pier foundation

Here, the afternoon light paints a picture of the root canal process

Michael is preoccupied with moving debris from A to B

Beyond is the Pearman Monument and what remains of the Drum Creek segments of the Grace and Pearman and our new Ravenel Bridge

From the entrance to the Columbus St. Terminal - the Pearman and Grace cantilevered sections

and following the birth of the new is the disapperance of the old

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Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.

Attribution: C. Frank Starmer and Sparky Witte from