Changing the face of Charleston : The unbuilding of the Grace and Pearman Bridges
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July 25, 2006: Fishing with the 995 and unfishing at the Navy Yard

Cousin Arthur - rather lonely

The worksite

Timmy in the final stages of unbuilding P-9

a closer look

Mickey's new Copco drilling C-2 (who is drilling?)

From above. The small red cups in the tops of the holes prevent the frequent rains from filling up the holes with water. You'll remember the "old faithful" fountain effect when the water has to be blown out

The 995 and fishing for debris with Joe Rye

And Mickey's taxi with Mickey working on tanning his head - even from Singapore, I can tell he is making progress

Meet the 995

and the back of Joe Rye's head.

The screen on the left gives him a sonar view of the underwater surface while the screen on the right provides a profile of the boom and shovel location

The bucket - and note that the physical configuration is paralleled by the video presentation above

On the way back to the port, are the Grace and Pearman skeletons

and another look at Cousin Arthur

Meanwhile at the Navy Yard

Michael and Robbie in deep discussion

Moving and chewing pieces

Michael's 1250

and a photo of Joshua's dad - inside

and outside

Robbie, Michael and Richard (right to left)

and a bit of US pride!

A mouth full of rebar

Clash of the Titans

Unloading a barge of Pearman debris - and to the left, doing a little neck reduction on Michael's 1250.

Lift from the barge


open wide

and drop - just like Billy does it at eh Coleman recycle center

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Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.

Attribution: C. Frank Starmer and Sparky Witte from