Changing the face of Charleston : The unbuilding of the Grace and Pearman Bridges
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February 13, 2006: Coleman Recycling Center

Early in December, Corey, Leon's son, wrote to me wondering where the photos of his dad were. Good question - I had managed to miss Leon many times. He was either on a barge or on Drum Island - or wherever - but always where I was not. But today I caught him. Roy told me yesterday that since a number of Testa guys got an extra holiday in Boston, thanks to weather and canceled flights, he would probably be working with Leon in the Coleman Recycling Center. So off it went - in search of ...

Sparky got there first - so here is his view of the worksite - Roy hidden on the left and Leon operating in the middle.

Roy was deeply engaged in serious cleaning up. Moving Grace roadway segments from A

and placing them in B

and as always - a view of jaws. After stringing together several photos - here is an video of Roy operating (8 Mb mpg)

Leon was loading

and Delmos was hauling the asphalt pavement at this end of the Recycling Center

Making it look pretty easy (but its not)

Leon sent a message to Pete - Corey's son and consequently Leon's grandson.

The sun is going down

and here is Corey's dad and Pete's grandpa

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Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.

Attribution: C. Frank Starmer and Sparky Witte from