May 27, 2005 18:29 Town Creek Segments  | June 04, 2005 12:06 From the top of the Ravenel west tower  | June 11, 2005 8:31 Mt. Pleasant View  | June 22, 2005 17:23 Grace and Pearman main spans  |
July 07, 2005 8:10 From the Ravenel bicycle lane  | July 20, 2005 17:44 Meeting Street Before  | July 20, 2005 17:50 East Bay Before  | August 01, 2005 0:00 From SCDOT: A view from above  |
August 05, 2005 7:18 Early morning - The Grace, Pearman and Ravenel Bridges  | August 05, 2005 16:23 Ravenel Approaches  | August 06, 2005 15:37 The Beginning of Unbuilding  | August 09, 2005 15:59 An early bite of the bridge  |
August 10, 2005 6:42 Getting started  | August 10, 2005 17:37 Between King Street and Meeting St  | August 11, 2005 17:19 Removing the Pearman roadway  | August 12, 2005 20:12 Night work at I-26 Exit 221 B  |
August 12, 2005 21:16 Night work on the I-26 overpass  | August 14, 2005 6:47 Morning work - Lifting girders with a mega-crane  | August 14, 2005 8:49 Lifting girders  | August 14, 2005 11:11 Extracting a pair of teeth (from Sparky Witte)  |
August 15, 2005 16:46 Sparky's photos: Progress between Meeting and King  | August 16, 2005 16:46 Sparky in action: Dropping girders  | August 17, 2005 16:05 Clash of the titans  | August 17, 2005 17:36 Jack Foley: Reflective sun glasses make a difference  |
August 17, 2005 17:37 Our surgical team on the Pearman roadway  | August 18, 2005 18:15 Grace off ramp  | August 18, 2005 18:48 Under the Ravenel Bridge  | August 19, 2005 13:48 Removing the last girder over Meeting St.  |
August 19, 2005 16:45 Coleman Blvd Recycling Center  | August 19, 2005 16:51 Surgical roadway removal  | August 19, 2005 17:03 Grace Main Span Pins  | August 19, 2005 17:28 Surprise encounters of the first kind  |
August 20, 2005 9:20 Building Charleston's Stonehenge  | August 20, 2005 9:43 A roadway skeleton  | August 22, 2005 15:15 Marching from Meeting St to East Bay  | August 22, 2005 17:59 At the beginning of the superstructure  |
August 22, 2005 17:59 Dropping roadway segments  | August 22, 2005 20:29 Clean up between King and Meeting Streets  | August 23, 2005 9:28 Dropping road segments (from Sparky Witte)  | August 23, 2005 16:33 Residual girders to drop (from Sparky Witte)  |
August 23, 2005 17:10 Battle of the Titans (from Sparky Witte)  | August 26, 2005 15:30 Takes two to tango  | August 27, 2005 11:09 Eating away at the Grace and Pearman approaches  | August 27, 2005 19:45 Stonehenge  |
August 30, 2005 16:58 Working on the Nassau Overpass  | August 31, 2005 17:10 Working on the Hanover Overpass  | August 31, 2005 17:21 Pearman On and Off ramps  | September 02, 2005 14:56 East Bay off ramp (before)  |
September 02, 2005 14:56 Working from Meeting St to East Bay  | September 02, 2005 15:00 Town Creek Segment  | September 02, 2005 15:11 The edge of the Pearman superstructure  | September 03, 2005 19:05 Coupling the superstructure to the support base  |
September 03, 2005 19:36 Closer views of the superstructure  | September 06, 2005 7:50 Sparky Witte - as addicted as I am to capturing the unbuilding process  | September 11, 2005 15:46 Cutting and removing roadway segments  | September 11, 2005 16:14 Hanover overpass gone - and marching on  |
September 11, 2005 21:27 Night removal of roadway and fun with night images  | September 12, 2005 0:00 Ryan Billingsley (Birthday boy)  | September 12, 2005 11:10 Coupling the superstructure to the support base  | September 12, 2005 11:10 Coupling the superstructure to the base  |
September 12, 2005 15:33 Michael Hebb (Anniversary boy)  | September 14, 2005 0:00 Lee Graves' father and the Grace Bridge  | September 17, 2005 13:41 Construction from a different era The Berlin Wall  | September 19, 2005 10:30 Watching Pearman work from the Grace  |
September 19, 2005 11:14 Pearman on ramp  | September 19, 2005 12:03 Under the Pearman On Ramp  | September 20, 2005 11:32 Cutting through girders: Nugget, a dentist in disguise  | September 21, 2005 10:03 Recylcing Center (with video)  |
September 21, 2005 10:20 Pio Monsini  | September 21, 2005 10:20 Cutting the roadway into segments with video  | September 21, 2005 15:11 Charleston's Temporary Stonehenge  | September 21, 2005 17:54 Removing a roadway segment with video  |
September 21, 2005 19:07 Cutting girders  | September 29, 2005 7:47 The last of the East Bay off ramp  | September 29, 2005 8:52 Sharon Stallings - Boat driver  | September 29, 2005 15:24 Test blast (from Sparky Witte and Mickey Rogers of Advanced Blasting Services)  |
September 30, 2005 7:24 Last Pearman Roadway Segment  | October 01, 2005 0:00 From SCDOT: A view from above  | October 01, 2005 8:41 Truss roadway completely removed  | October 01, 2005 9:13 Meet some of the Billingsley clan  |
October 01, 2005 9:32 Removing the Grace roadway and final preparations for droppping the Pearman-Town Creek segment  | October 01, 2005 13:52 Removing Pearman Columns  | October 01, 2005 14:05 Removing the Grace Roadway  | October 03, 2005 14:08 More unsung heros: behind the scenes at the Navy Yard  |
October 03, 2005 14:57 Converging between Meeting St and East Bay  | October 03, 2005 18:36 Some insights into how to drop a span of bridge  | October 03, 2005 19:27 Neil Myers night crew at work  | October 05, 2005 12:31 Dropping a Pearman column just like dropping a tree - almost  |
October 06, 2005 0:00 Finishing roadway removal of the Town Creek section of the Grace Bridge  | October 06, 2005 0:00 Removing Charleston's Stonehenge  | October 11, 2005 10:00 Dropping the Town Creek segment of the Pearman Bridge  | October 13, 2005 0:00 Retrieving a section of the Pearman truss  |
October 14, 2005 0:00 Removing roadway from the Grace Approach  | October 16, 2005 15:29 Retrieving and chewing truss segments  | October 20, 2005 18:00 Bridge skeletons  | October 20, 2005 23:00 Removing concrete griders over Immigration Drive  |
October 20, 2005 23:57 Removing concrete girders: A view from the top  | October 22, 2005 8:21 An early morning look at progress over Drum Island  | October 22, 2005 10:42 Removing roadway from the Pearman off-ramp  | October 22, 2005 10:53 Preparing the Pearman piers for blasting  |
October 25, 2005 7:56 Clearing Grace and Pearman structures from Drum Island  | October 26, 2005 8:10 The changing faces of East Bay  | October 27, 2005 8:40 Progress around East Bay  | October 29, 2005 0:00 Retrieving the last of the Town Creek Pearman segments  |
October 29, 2005 9:28 Unbuilding the Grace roadway: Crossing East Bay  | October 29, 2005 10:48 Innovation@work: roadway removal over steel girders  | October 29, 2005 11:46 Dropping the cables on the Grace superstructure  | October 31, 2005 16:00 Removing the piers and caps with the new 1250  |
October 31, 2005 16:32 The variety of East Bay sights  | October 31, 2005 16:56 Lifting and processing floor girders  | November 01, 2005 16:20 Harvesting the last girder before East Bay  | November 01, 2005 17:14 Working as the sun says goodbye  |
November 02, 2005 5:03 Early morning work: removing roadway crossing East Bay  | November 02, 2005 23:03 Late night work: Harvesting girders over East Bay as seen from below and above  | November 04, 2005 7:47 Continued drilling to prepare the columns for removal  | November 04, 2005 8:27 Picking girders from the Cooper River segment of the Pearman  |
November 07, 2005 16:25 Harvesting girders from the Pearman: 50 tons at a time  | November 08, 2005 14:25 Reef Transplantation: The Testa-Cashman surgical procedure  | November 10, 2005 7:04 Harvesting girders over East Bay  | November 10, 2005 8:17 The 7550 harvesting girders from the Pearman ramp  |
November 11, 2005 12:23 Extending the Pearman skeleton  | November 11, 2005 13:10 Building a bridge to unbuild a pier cap  | November 12, 2005 6:10 Cleanup and bringing down the next column  | November 14, 2005 11:46 Harvesting concrete girders from the Pearman  |
November 14, 2005 14:40 More about girder harvesting  | November 14, 2005 21:05 Picking a Grace segment of the East Bay overpasses  | November 15, 2005 10:03 Dropping the Drum Island cantilevered section of the Pearman  | November 16, 2005 7:50 Unbuilding the Grace while marching across Drum Island  |
November 16, 2005 7:57 Innovation@work: Removing roadway segments over concrete girders  | November 18, 2005 7:45 East Bay Street has its own Stonehenge  | November 18, 2005 11:20 Removing the Grace skeleton inside the Port  | November 19, 2005 10:22 Marching down the Pearman ramp to Mt Pleasant  |
November 19, 2005 11:08 The disappearing Pearman Stonehenge and going is the Grace ramp  | November 21, 2005 13:25 All that remains are roots and bones at the Columbus St. Terminal  | November 22, 2005 13:50 The East Bay Stonehenge  | November 22, 2005 14:30 Harvesting girders: Every day brings a new challenge  |
November 25, 2005 12:11 A Thanksgiving Holiday  | November 27, 2005 14:20 Preparations of the Pearman Piers  | November 30, 2005 6:30 Loading and sequencing D-25 with explosives  | November 30, 2005 9:50 Pio, Brad, Ted and Richie playing the Grace  |
November 30, 2005 15:53 Imploding Pearman Pier D-25  | December 01, 2005 14:00 A gift from SCDOT - a view from above  | December 04, 2005 15:27 Grace departs from Drum Island  | December 06, 2005 10:01 Dropping the Town Creek Section of the Grace Bridge  |
December 06, 2005 18:12 Raising Grace from Town Creek  | December 07, 2005 15:35 The makings of the East Bay Park  | December 11, 2005 0:00 Roadway and girder removal - Grace is fast disappearing  | December 11, 2005 14:23 The jackup barge and a language lesson  |
December 12, 2005 7:32 Pio and his Grace jazz ensemble  | December 12, 2005 8:20 Bobby McCabe's Pearman jazz ensemble with a Jackup Barge  | December 12, 2005 16:13 The Pearman ramp is no more  | December 13, 2005 8:27 Early morning girder harvesting  |
December 13, 2005 8:48 Repositioning the jack-up barge and more roadway harvesting  | December 14, 2005 6:32 Early morning girder harvesting  | December 14, 2005 7:12 How much sidewalk can Pio make from the Grace roadbed?  | December 16, 2005 14:01 Dropping Pearman piers M1-M5 with style  |
December 24, 2005 20:25 Merry Christmas and Holiday Greetings from us to y'all  | December 30, 2005 9:40 Micro building and unbuilding Happy New Year from us to you  | January 01, 2006 12:45 A snapshot of the Gace and Pearman skeletons  | January 05, 2006 16:12 From Meeting St to East Bay - only a small Grace ramp remains  |
January 05, 2006 16:30 Harvesting the last floor girders and preparing the base of the Mt. Pleasant Pier  | January 05, 2006 16:45 Unbuilding Grace: a family affair  | January 07, 2006 8:45 Unbuilding the Pearman ramp and preparing the observation deck foundation  | January 07, 2006 9:00 More unbuilding of the Grace roadway  |
January 07, 2006 9:45 The jackup barge at work  | January 09, 2006 7:15 More of the jack-up barge and Cantilever acrobats  | January 09, 2006 10:04 Early start, loading and imploding Pearman D-24  | January 11, 2006 7:41 Early morning at the Pearman and Grace ramps  |
January 11, 2006 8:30 Unbuilding the Pearman truss cantilever - one stick at a time  | January 11, 2006 15:01 Practice makes perfect: Dropping D-27 with remote ignition  | January 12, 2006 17:29 Sparky catching sunset at its best  | January 15, 2006 10:45 A distraction: Vehicular and pedestrian bridges of Singapore  |
January 15, 2006 14:00 The Grace sand pile  | January 15, 2006 15:00 Only one Pearman span remains  | January 17, 2006 13:00 Unbuilding the Grace trusses  | January 17, 2006 14:43 Unbuilding the Grace cantilever trusses  |
January 17, 2006 15:00 D-23 is gone: No more Drum Island Pearman supports  | January 17, 2006 15:57 Mickey and his ABS team drop D-23 and top D-25  | January 18, 2006 13:36 Gone is T4 - the last Drum Island Pearman support  | January 19, 2006 17:38 Sparky catches sunset over Town Creek  |
January 21, 2006 8:30 From Meeting St to East Bay and back  | January 21, 2006 8:50 Unbuilding the Drum Island and Port segments of the Grace trusses  | January 21, 2006 9:05 Cleaning up the remains of T-4  | January 21, 2006 9:15 Preparing for the Mt. Pleasant Observation / Fishing pier  |
January 21, 2006 10:05 Downhill unbuilding of the Grace ramp  | January 22, 2006 11:45 Mickey Rogers and his ABS team  | January 23, 2006 18:50 Bob McCabe - never standing still  | January 23, 2006 19:23 The all purpose Richie  |
January 24, 2006 5:40 Neil Myers - the night owl  | January 24, 2006 15:05 Drilling the T4 base for explosive disassembly  | January 24, 2006 15:40 Preparing the Grace cantilever segment for a blast  | January 25, 2006 13:50 Gone is the Grace off ramp at America St.  |
January 25, 2006 14:05 Adventures with Captain Bill's jackup barge and Mickey's drilling team  | January 25, 2006 15:45 High flying with the iron workers  | January 26, 2006 15:00 Blasting the T-4 foundation, removing Grace's off ramp and ironworker acrobats  | January 27, 2006 14:56 Unbuilding the top of the A  |
January 28, 2006 8:26 The Mt. Pleasant pier foundation  | January 28, 2006 9:18 Almost finished: Jaws and unbuilding Grace's ramp  | January 28, 2006 9:48 Unbuilding the bottom of the A  | January 28, 2006 16:35 The final trimming of the Pearman cantilever  |
January 30, 2006 11:53 Blasting D-23 substructure  | January 31, 2006 4:10 Backing down the Grace at 4am  | February 01, 2006 0:00 SCDOT gives us a view from above  | February 02, 2006 7:25 A Pearman pier and the meaning of tenacity of purpose  |
February 02, 2006 7:34 A golden early morning and loading D-24  | February 02, 2006 11:35 Unbuilding the D-24 substructure  | February 04, 2006 16:20 A transition from unbuilding to rebuilding  | February 04, 2006 17:30 Pio and a tight squeeze: two excavators passing on the Grace  |
February 04, 2006 20:10 A surprise from Marvin + Jack, Lewis, Rich and Scott - 600 Grace feet to go  | February 05, 2006 10:00 Unbuilding in Columbia: Imploding a building  | February 07, 2006 14:01 Blasting the foundation of Pearman pier D-26  | February 08, 2006 16:15 The last gasps of the Grace roadway  |
February 09, 2006 2:10 The end of Grace: Unpouring the last segment of the Grace ramp  | February 12, 2006 11:05 A Sunday survey of the worksites  | February 13, 2006 17:30 Leon: Corey's dad and Pete's grandpa  | February 14, 2006 10:00 Implosion of D-25 substructure  |
February 15, 2006 10:00 Explosive fracture of the Grace Cantilever Truss  | February 16, 2006 13:06 The Mammoet umbrella and Grace / Pearman preparations  | February 16, 2006 14:20 A bit of building going on in the yard and other stuff  | February 16, 2006 15:00 ABS imploding the M5 Pearman substructure  |
February 17, 2006 10:12 Jim Grier and his A team fells the last Grace segment on Drum Island  | February 17, 2006 11:10 Sparky's whirlwind visit: up, down and all around  | February 19, 2006 7:45 Mammoet beams riding on the top of the Pearman  | February 20, 2006 9:45 Installing the hydraulic jack - umbrella - cable assembly  |
February 21, 2006 17:30 Sparky to the rescue - more prep for lowering the Pearman main span  | February 22, 2006 6:45 History today - Successful lowering of the Pearman main span over the Cooper RIver  | February 22, 2006 17:30 Transition from unbuilding to rebuilding: Along Lee St between East Bay and Meeting St.  | February 23, 2006 12:55 Unbuilding the great Mammoets  |
February 24, 2006 15:30 Pio and serious unbuilding at the Navy yard  | February 25, 2006 11:45 Pio's Jazz Quintet fells the Pearman main span  | February 26, 2006 7:45 Preparing Grace for dropping her main span  | February 27, 2006 12:30 Dancing to Pio's music  |
March 01, 2006 6:45 The Ironworkers proclaim that the Cooper River is Graceless  | March 02, 2006 15:23 Sparky, a budding art photographer  | March 04, 2006 7:30 Manny, Chucky, Nugget, Chris, Speedy Pat, Farmer, Art and Rip: Removing the Mammoet beam  | March 08, 2006 16:45 Sparky captures Pio, Richie and the team playing a Farewell to Grace  |
March 10, 2006 17:30 Bye Bye Grace  | March 11, 2006 16:08 Retrieving the cantilever truss  | March 13, 2006 16:45 Multiple personalities of Testa operators  | March 16, 2006 12:10 Unbuilding the grace support girders and piers  |
March 18, 2006 7:04 Ironworker acrobats display their Graceful respect of Grace  | March 18, 2006 10:45 Charlie Brown and Tenacity of purpose  | March 20, 2006 11:03 Grace, Richie and Jackie: A tango at the Navy Yard  | March 22, 2006 8:25 Starting to unbuild P-3  |
March 22, 2006 15:01 T-3 and Frank say bye bye  | March 25, 2006 6:30 From Newark to Singapore in 18 hour 15 min  | March 25, 2006 15:23 Michael's headache and more tenacity of purpose  | March 26, 2006 11:20 Sparky catches reversal of wear and tear  |
March 27, 2006 15:03 Rebuilding a jackup barge leg, work on "Stiff Neck" and pre-blast prep on the Pearman  | March 28, 2006 17:03 Unbuilding Pio's legacy and repairs  | March 31, 2006 11:17 Sparky and Sparky 2 and a trip around the worksites  | April 01, 2006 0:00 From SCDOT: A view from above  |
April 01, 2006 8:00 Sparky's Family, Pio, Richie and Chucky (and a small sideline - the Cooper River Bridge Run)  | April 03, 2006 16:10 Pio, Richie, Jackie and Michael - unbuilding Grace  | April 04, 2006 14:00 D-27 Substructure. Mickey and his team do it again  | April 05, 2006 9:00 Demolition Dynamics: Dropping the east Pearman cantilever  |
April 06, 2006 18:45 Sunsets over Grace: without words  | April 08, 2006 7:09 Michael, P-3 and his 1250  | April 08, 2006 13:05 The dynamic duo: Jackie and Richie  | April 09, 2006 9:04 A neck procedure for Michael's 1250  |
April 11, 2006 10:00 Oscar and the DD team  | April 11, 2006 14:30 Planting explosives on the truss between P-11 and P-13  | April 12, 2006 7:20 Cleanup of the Pearman cantilever and drilling C-2 and D-28  | April 12, 2006 9:59 Grace trusses between P-11 and P-13 down  |
April 14, 2006 9:48 Then and Now - Transforming the skylines of Charleston and Mt. Pleasant  | April 18, 2006 12:19 Unbuilding the west Grace cantilever  | April 18, 2006 12:29 Mickey's team drilling C-2 and P-8  | April 23, 2006 6:54 The Starmer family has not forgotten how to build  |
April 24, 2006 16:05 Cleanup around the Cooper River and the Navy Yard  | April 26, 2006 13:15 Jackie Foley and Michael Hebb and how to fish for Grace truss sections  | April 26, 2006 13:47 Charge placement on the Grace structure  | April 28, 2006 10:00 Bye bye Grace (Mt. Pleasant side)  |
April 29, 2006 12:38 A retrieval composition for Crane, Grapple and Shear  | May 03, 2006 10:16 Quartet for Diver, Crane, Grapple and Shear  | May 03, 2006 13:03 Unbuilding from below and above  | May 08, 2006 10:38 A surprise in a small package  |
May 08, 2006 12:41 Unbuilding does not stop for lunch  | May 11, 2006 16:10 Sparky makes a tour of the worksites (between the rain episodes)  | May 12, 2006 16:40 Rebuilding along Lee St between Meeting and East Bay  | May 16, 2006 8:57 The Last Grace Blast and a tribute from the C-17s and F-15s  |
May 16, 2006 11:00 After the dance - cleanup time  | May 19, 2006 11:10 Home for a little work, family and a bridge fix  | May 21, 2006 11:21 Unbuilding P-10 - the strategy  | May 23, 2006 8:40 Oscar and the team preparing for the last Pearman blast  |
May 24, 2006 10:00 Bye bye to the last Pearman superstructure  | May 26, 2006 9:30 The guys that make our web site happen  | May 27, 2006 4:30 Installing the Grace bearings, May 22, 1929  | June 01, 2006 10:00 A view from above by SCDOT  |
June 03, 2006 17:51 Michael's 1250 at the Navy Yard  | June 04, 2006 12:51 What a change in the Cooper River landscape  | June 05, 2006 14:30 Manny's secret fishing hole  | June 05, 2006 15:00 Blowing P-12  |
June 05, 2006 16:10 Drilling the footing with a template - prep for P-11 blast  | June 07, 2006 12:57 Preparing to unbuild P-11: A template + drilling + skill  | June 07, 2006 15:45 Tim and Michael hammering away while Smokey is fishing  | June 10, 2006 16:35 Unbuilding the C-2 Pearman bearing  |
June 16, 2006 14:57 Dropping C-1  | June 19, 2006 12:05 Reviewing the past 2 years: The changing face of the Cooper River  | June 19, 2006 14:27 Mickey's famous disappearing act - P-7 foundation unbuilt  | June 20, 2006 19:15 Cleanup at the Navy Yard and a new player  |
June 23, 2006 12:56 C-3 takes the plunge  | June 24, 2006 11:57 From SCDOT, Julie and Randi - A history of the project from above  | June 26, 2006 15:10 Our backup video team and the Navy Yard  | June 30, 2006 13:15 See Mickey's new Copco  |
June 30, 2006 13:35 Marine life in the Cooper River  | June 30, 2006 14:25 Mickey, Ken, Sparky and team: Evaporating the C-4 base  | July 01, 2006 7:12 A new meaning of high reach  | July 03, 2006 20:23 Sunset over the Graceless Cooper River  |
July 04, 2006 9:35 The Sullivan's Island 4th of July Parade  | July 04, 2006 21:30 Fireworks all around Charleston  | July 06, 2006 14:05 C-2 prep, Mickey and the Discovery Channel  | July 07, 2006 11:32 Final prep and sequencing of C-2  |
July 07, 2006 12:58 Almost the last big blast - C-2, the Discovery Channel, Friends and Families  | July 08, 2006 12:13 Timmy cleaning up what Mickey left from yesterday: C-2 base  | July 10, 2006 18:16 Down memory lane between East Bay and Meeting St  | July 12, 2006 14:55 P-10 says goodbye to Charleston
July 14, 2006 14:50 C-1 base takes a dive  | July 17, 2006 11:54 Meet the Jay Cashman (aka 995)  | July 22, 2006 10:30 Meet Billy Ward and the 995 in action  | July 24, 2006 16:08 Building the Observation Pier and unbuilding P-8 and P-9  |
July 25, 2006 16:33 Fishing with the 995 and unloading Pearman debris at the Navy Yard  | July 26, 2006 7:26 ABS University, Prof. Rogers and the CHS Bomb Squad  | July 26, 2006 10:15 Final Examination for the CHS Bomb Squad  | July 27, 2006 1:30 My dad passed to us many gifts and now he has passed  |
August 01, 2006 7:04 Jackie, Richie, Michael, Jim and Bob. Unbuilding in Singapore  | August 06, 2006 8:12 Unbuilding an HDB block in Singapore  | August 09, 2006 8:04 Hammers sleep on National Day in Singapore  | August 10, 2006 15:20 Touring the worksites and drilling C-3  |
August 11, 2006 8:07 Continued unbuilding of the HDB structure in Singapore  | August 14, 2006 7:50 Unbuilding the HDB block almost complete in Singapore  | August 16, 2006 7:08 Waking up across the street: Michael in the thinking position  | August 16, 2006 19:06 New boy on the block at the Navy Yard  |
August 17, 2006 7:04 From morning to evening: Unbuilding an HDB block  | August 19, 2006 7:48 Unbuilding the foundation at the HDB block in Singapore  | August 22, 2006 10:09 C-2 prep and setting up for the C-3 show  | August 22, 2006 11:29 Imploding the C-3 substructure - Mickey and Ken at their best  |
August 22, 2006 18:10 Finishing the nearer building, wrapping the next building  | August 24, 2006 7:03 Wrapping the next HDB block for unbuilding  | August 30, 2006 14:36 Final cleanup at the Navy Yard  | September 01, 2006 17:00 Igniting the Pioneer Spirit in Singapore  |
September 08, 2006 18:20 Around the world in 36 hours with Singapore Airlines  | September 14, 2006 17:54 Unbuilding the last of the Grace structure  | September 16, 2006 9:42 Part 1: Chris, Robbie, Lewis and Carlos - Graceful acrobats @ work  | September 16, 2006 10:49 Part 2: Raising the Grace pier truss  |
September 16, 2006 16:45 Part 3: Unbuilding Grace from her feet  | September 20, 2006 16:23 A new Grace foundation and Mt Pleasant work  | September 21, 2006 16:40 A bridge in Bali  | September 23, 2006 12:14 A little bit of building - the midsection Grace support  |
October 05, 2006 8:15 From home to work in Singapore  | October 10, 2006 9:00 Brian Dadin joins our team and Grace has a mid-span support  | October 13, 2006 17:13 From Mt. Pleasant to Charleston. Sparky provides an all around update  | October 17, 2006 15:48 The J. Cashman scooping and dumping + a bit of Chris Vocci  |
October 20, 2006 18:17 Evening street scenes in Singapore's Chinatown  | October 26, 2006 11:00 An aerial survey from SCDOT  | October 26, 2006 12:00 Oriental Culture 101: Culinary Therapy  | October 30, 2006 15:56 Blasting Grace's foot prints  |
October 31, 2006 18:25 The Mt. Pleasant Pier resting on the Pearman footings  | November 02, 2006 10:15 Sextet for Stan, Nugget, Carlos, Troy, Manny and Chris.  | November 07, 2006 14:01 Monsoons in Singapore, Gloom in Charleston but surfers everywhere  | November 09, 2006 16:35 Deep reach fishing with Michael and his 1250  |
November 09, 2006 17:23 Manny and Chris get well deserved extensions  | November 15, 2006 15:03 Gloom and rain can not stop unbuilding  | November 20, 2006 17:19 More Pearman truss unbuilding  | November 25, 2006 7:00 Frank and Ellen visit Liaocheng China  |
November 29, 2006 0:00 Sparky and his team rebuilding what Katrina unbuilt  | December 02, 2006 16:17 Sparky is back from Katrina-land to give us a bridge fix  | December 03, 2006 11:23 Wildlife in Singapore: Macritchie Reservoir  | December 05, 2006 18:11 Sunset over the Mt. Pleasant observation pier  |
December 06, 2006 13:11 Manny and Iron Worker Acrobats - the end is near  | December 08, 2006 17:15 Diagonal cables to stabilize the temporary columns  | December 09, 2006 10:23 Ants in action at Macritchie Reservior, Singapore  | December 09, 2006 18:03 Building the Mt. Pleasant Observation Pier  |
December 10, 2006 15:38 Gone is the last of the Pearman trusses  | December 11, 2006 17:23 What is buildeth can be unbuilt  | December 12, 2006 17:23 Watch God build a rainbow  | December 13, 2006 14:25 Roadway removal and cleaning up the Coleman Recycle Center  |
December 13, 2006 15:05 Cleanup of the Pearman unbuilding  | December 13, 2006 16:02 A foggy Grace worksite  | December 13, 2006 18:03 The Navy yard - cleanup and the 995  | December 15, 2006 8:07 Paving the Mt. Pleasant pier  |
December 15, 2006 11:41 Watch Manny and the Ironworkers unbuild a Grace section  | December 15, 2006 12:34 More unbuilidng of Grace  | December 15, 2006 13:14 Unbuilding the next section  | December 15, 2006 14:24 Carlos, Manny, Nugget and Stan - do it again Sam!  |
December 15, 2006 16:39 Another face lift by Manny, Carlos and the team  | December 15, 2006 18:03 Removing the next section over the temp supports  | December 16, 2006 9:55 Nearing the end of unbuilding Grace  | December 16, 2006 12:08 A view of the Grace Skateboard ramp from above  |
December 19, 2006 9:34 Unbuilding half the last superstructure  | December 19, 2006 10:18 Carlos, Lewis, Nugget, Stan, Robbie, Randi, Rick, Manny, Chris and a segment of Project Runway  | December 19, 2006 12:09 The last of Grace to come down  | December 20, 2006 14:20 Unbuilding half the Grace roadway skeleton  |
December 21, 2006 10:47 Near completion of the Grace steel structures  | December 22, 2006 16:28 SCDOT's aerial survey  | December 23, 2006 9:40 Unbuilding on Pulau Ubin, off the east coast of Singapore  | December 27, 2006 9:10 The TreeTops suspension bridge in Singapore  |
December 29, 2006 11:03 More practice photographing insects and some building in Singapore  | January 01, 2007 9:43 New Year's colorful nature in Singapore  | January 02, 2007 11:23 Happy New Year from Singapore  | January 02, 2007 14:15 Cleanup at the Port site  |
January 05, 2007 16:14 Neither rain, snow, or ice can keep Jimmy Grier from an oyster roast  | January 09, 2007 16:34 Cleanup and preparation for imploding T-1  | January 09, 2007 17:16 Progress with building the Mt. Pleasant pier  | January 10, 2007 16:17 Wrapping T-1 for Friday's implosion  |
January 11, 2007 16:43 Mickey, Ken and team loading T-1  | January 12, 2007 9:21 T-1 is no more: Mickey and Ken at their best  | January 13, 2007 0:45 While Mickey is unbuilding big stuff - I'm trying to photograph small stuff  | January 13, 2007 13:11 Michael Rogers makes his debut  |
January 13, 2007 13:11 Sarah, Jordan and Ashley star on the Discovery Channel  | January 14, 2007 16:10 Gone is T-2, the last of the Pearman support piers  | January 30, 2007 16:41 Michael unbuilding the last Grace pier  | January 31, 2007 0:00 Night views of the Cooper River  |
February 01, 2007 16:00 Fog wraps cousin Arthur  | February 03, 2007 10:05 Nearing completion of the Mt. Pleasant Pier  | February 08, 2007 17:52 Sunset over the Mt. Pleasant pier  | February 10, 2007 12:08 Sparky takes a walk down memory lane, with Liza and Lauren  |
February 13, 2007 14:12 Preparing the last Grace pier for implosion  | February 20, 2007 13:45 A weekend at Lincoln's Kelong - near Batam Indonesia  | February 23, 2007 18:25 Sunset over Charleston  | February 24, 2007 13:05 A quintet for 4 guys and the moon  |
February 27, 2007 13:48 Cleanup and final prep for the T-2 foundation implosion  | February 28, 2007 13:21 Preparing the T-2 base for Shelly  | February 28, 2007 15:59 Shelly pushes the button and gone is the T-2 foundation  | March 02, 2007 13:37 Driling the last Grace pier  |
March 04, 2007 14:00 Launching the Spirit of South Carolina  | March 09, 2007 13:55 Manny and team: fetching and toting  | March 10, 2007 9:47 Manny: lifting, positioining, lifting again, positioining again and then hammering  | March 10, 2007 19:10 A view of the Ravenel in the early evening  |
March 11, 2007 7:50 A visit to Basel: Friends and Computational Biology  | March 11, 2007 10:53 More prep for the last Grace pier  | March 12, 2007 6:25 The moon sets over Basel - and a walk along the Rhine  | March 12, 2007 10:35 Mickey, Ken and team loading up for tomorrow's last big event  |
March 13, 2007 10:15 Bringing down the last Grace pier  | March 13, 2007 14:25 Manny demonstrates the Manny push strategy.  | March 14, 2007 16:36 Fishing for debris from yesterday's implosion  | March 15, 2007 18:47 Nearing completion of the Mt. Pleasant Pier  |
March 17, 2007 8:43 Finishing the Mt Pleasant Pier, Cleanup at the port and Mickey drilling the last Grace base  | March 20, 2007 18:42 Cleanup on the Charleston side and another Charleston Sunset  | March 21, 2007 15:25 Cleanup, Randy and Driving with Sparky  | March 25, 2007 19:20 Sunset over the Mt. Pleasant Pier  |
March 26, 2007 11:06 Manny and Mickey - what a pair. Watch the last of the Copco drilling exercise  | March 27, 2007 16:00 The last Graceful Blast from Mickey, Michael, Ken and the entire unbuilding team  | March 29, 2007 16:46 The clean up after ...  | April 03, 2007 12:35 The last of Manny. What a man and what a smile - sigh  |
April 10, 2007 7:42 Morning sun kisses the Graceless and Pearmanless Ravenel Bridge  |