The Learning Center - restoring the fun of learning with links to
related sites
More and more folks are asking why I am telling the story of
Building the Ravenel Bridge and
Unbuilding the Grace and
Pearman Bridges. I have a passion for learning and how to convey to
others the fun in learning.
Learning is all about brain training and learning creates options for us
and more options give us flexibility in the way we care for our families,
friends and communities - often in ways that we could not
Early learning centers were around story tellers and monastaries because
that is where the experiences and books were.
Over time, no university could survive without
its own library of resources and if I wanted to learn something I had to
travel to the local community or university library.
The Internet evaporates distance - so when I need to learn something,
my travel is from wherever I am to the nearest web browser.
My view is that the world is now the library,
the Internet makes the world's learning opportunities available to all,
and Google is the card catalog (even more).
This week's work (Dec 1, 2005)
with Mickey Rogers and Advanced Blasting Services taught
me a lot and last night I decided to add links to learning resources
that enable you to chase your curiosity and learn more about
implosions or sequencing explosive charges. Now I think its time to backtrack
and add learning links to other stories - about excavators, their operators,
about project management, and iron worker acrobatics.
So I created this new section called The Learning Center (in the menu bar).
There is another very selfish reason for introducing this change. The
web access statistics for all my scientific work, spiders etc show that
about 80% of the viewers spend less than 2 minutes on my web pages. However
with either the Ravenel page or this Unbuilding page, < 49% of visitors spend
< 2 minutes on these pages. 42% of visitors spend > 2 minutes on these pages.
So if I have your attention, I'm going to try to increase the learning
opportunities for you, your friends and your kids. -
If you have suggestions, know of links or ideas that want a home
within some of the
story segments, send me your ideas email. Frank 12/2/2005.
August 09, 2005 15:59 Topic: About demolition, excavators, rebar, reinforced concrete and hydraulic backhoe An early bite of the bridge  | August 11, 2005 17:19 Topic: Building and Unbuilding Removing the Pearman roadway  | August 19, 2005 13:48 Topic: Reinforced and Prestressed Concrete Removing the last girder over Meeting St.  | September 20, 2005 11:32 Topic: Oxy-fuel Cutting (Burning) Cutting through girders: Nugget, a dentist in disguise  | October 03, 2005 19:27 Topic: Welding and Repairs Neil Myers night crew at work  | November 04, 2005 8:27 Topic: About Barges Picking girders from the Cooper River segment of the Pearman  | November 08, 2005 14:25 Topic: Marine Biology and Artificial Reefs Reef Transplantation: The Testa-Cashman surgical procedure  | November 15, 2005 10:03 Topic: Cantilever Bridges Dropping the Drum Island cantilevered section of the Pearman  | November 30, 2005 6:30 Topic: Dynamite, detonation, shock waves, explosives, blasting cap, building implosions Loading and sequencing D-25 with explosives  | November 30, 2005 15:53 Topic: About implosion Imploding Pearman Pier D-25  | December 11, 2005 14:23 Topic: About barges and jack-up barges The jackup barge and a language lesson  | December 14, 2005 6:32 Topic: About sunrise, blue sky, EXIF files and digital photographs Early morning girder harvesting  | December 30, 2005 9:40 Topic: About orb weaving spiders and their silk - stronger than kevlar Micro building and unbuilding Happy New Year from us to you  | January 07, 2006 8:45 Topic: Safety Devices: PFD, Hard Hats and Harnesses Unbuilding the Pearman ramp and preparing the observation deck foundation  | January 09, 2006 10:04 Topic: About protective gloves Early start, loading and imploding Pearman D-24  | January 11, 2006 15:01 Topic: Medical uses of nitroglycerin Practice makes perfect: Dropping D-27 with remote ignition  | January 15, 2006 10:45 Topic: Bridges over the Singapore River A distraction: Vehicular and pedestrian bridges of Singapore  | January 21, 2006 10:05 Topic: Little Blue Heron Downhill unbuilding of the Grace ramp  | January 24, 2006 15:05 Topic: Drilling blast holes Drilling the T4 base for explosive disassembly  | January 25, 2006 14:05 Topic: Rack and pinion gears and buoyancy Adventures with Captain Bill's jackup barge and Mickey's drilling team  | February 02, 2006 7:34 Topic: Shock tube detonators A golden early morning and loading D-24  | February 14, 2006 10:00 Topic: Vasodilation, headaches and vasoconstrictors Implosion of D-25 substructure  | February 15, 2006 10:00 Topic: Air drag and free falling objects Explosive fracture of the Grace Cantilever Truss  | February 20, 2006 9:45 Topic: Hyradulic Jacks Installing the hydraulic jack - umbrella - cable assembly  | February 22, 2006 6:45 Topic: Cable wedges and their performance History today - Successful lowering of the Pearman main span over the Cooper RIver  | March 18, 2006 7:04 Topic: Ironworkers and yo-yo safety Ironworker acrobats display their Graceful respect of Grace  | March 27, 2006 15:03 Topic: Rack and Pinion gears Rebuilding a jackup barge leg, work on "Stiff Neck" and pre-blast prep on the Pearman  | April 05, 2006 9:00 Topic: kevlar and spider silk Demolition Dynamics: Dropping the east Pearman cantilever  | May 16, 2006 8:57 Topic: sun and the earth's declination The Last Grace Blast and a tribute from the C-17s and F-15s  | June 30, 2006 13:35 Topic: oxygen, rust and marine life Marine life in the Cooper River  | July 14, 2006 14:50 Topic: About underwater shock waves, double images, video frames and fields C-1 base takes a dive  | August 16, 2006 7:08 Topic: The Thinker and Rodin Waking up across the street: Michael in the thinking position  | September 08, 2006 18:20 Topic: Great Circle and the Jet Stream Around the world in 36 hours with Singapore Airlines  | October 20, 2006 18:17 Topic: erhu juggling Evening street scenes in Singapore's Chinatown  | January 12, 2007 9:21 Topic: NonEl Detonators T-1 is no more: Mickey and Ken at their best  | January 13, 2007 13:11 Topic: Stemming and control of the blast wave Michael Rogers makes his debut  | February 20, 2007 13:45 Topic: Indonesia, kelong and cable stayed bridges A weekend at Lincoln's Kelong - near Batam Indonesia  |
Click to view all unbuilding web page segments

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.
Attribution: C. Frank Starmer and Sparky Witte from