July 20, 2005 17:44 Meeting Street Before  | August 09, 2005 15:59 An early bite of the bridge  | August 10, 2005 6:42 Getting started  | August 10, 2005 17:37 Between King Street and Meeting St  |
August 12, 2005 21:16 Night work on the I-26 overpass  | August 14, 2005 6:47 Morning work - Lifting girders with a mega-crane  | August 15, 2005 16:46 Sparky's photos: Progress between Meeting and King  | August 17, 2005 16:05 Clash of the titans  |
August 19, 2005 13:48 Removing the last girder over Meeting St.  | August 19, 2005 17:28 Surprise encounters of the first kind  | August 22, 2005 20:29 Clean up between King and Meeting Streets  | August 26, 2005 15:30 Takes two to tango  |
August 27, 2005 11:09 Eating away at the Grace and Pearman approaches  | August 30, 2005 16:58 Working on the Nassau Overpass  | August 31, 2005 17:10 Working on the Hanover Overpass  | September 02, 2005 14:56 Working from Meeting St to East Bay  |
September 11, 2005 16:14 Hanover overpass gone - and marching on  | September 19, 2005 11:14 Pearman on ramp  | October 01, 2005 0:00 From SCDOT: A view from above  | October 03, 2005 14:57 Converging between Meeting St and East Bay  |
October 20, 2005 18:00 Bridge skeletons  | December 12, 2005 16:13 The Pearman ramp is no more  | January 05, 2006 16:12 From Meeting St to East Bay - only a small Grace ramp remains  | January 21, 2006 8:30 From Meeting St to East Bay and back  |
February 01, 2006 0:00 SCDOT gives us a view from above  | February 04, 2006 16:20 A transition from unbuilding to rebuilding  | February 22, 2006 17:30 Transition from unbuilding to rebuilding: Along Lee St between East Bay and Meeting St.  | May 12, 2006 16:40 Rebuilding along Lee St between Meeting and East Bay  |
June 01, 2006 10:00 A view from above by SCDOT  | June 24, 2006 11:57 From SCDOT, Julie and Randi - A history of the project from above  | July 01, 2006 7:12 A new meaning of high reach  | July 10, 2006 18:16 Down memory lane between East Bay and Meeting St  |